
Friday, 9 August 2019

Finding Fractions of Numbers

Show Not Tell Task

Show Not Tell

Tell sentence: It was a cold and rainy day. It was a windy day, not like any other day I shivered the trees started to shake.

Show sentence: it was a very cold freezing day. It was very windy so I made myself a hot chocolate

Tell sentence: I went to the beach.  On a sunny day the sand felt very soft the was very clear and refreshing.

Show sentence: n a beautiful day I walk on the soft sand, the sun was shining on my face and I could feel the nice breeze .

Tell sentence: Carol bought new shoes because her shoes broke so she went to get another pair there looked rusty. I just need to clean it and when finished it would look very cool.

Show sentence: Carol got new shoes because she lost her shoes at camp so she go new ones.